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'Necklace for a story' competition - first vote by Gosia

Thank you so much for everyone who sent his or her story in the last two months. We really appreciate you taking the time and sharing a piece of your life with us! We feel very privileged and grateful!

So it is time to choose the winner and the author of the best story. But what does it mean exactly - 'best story'? That is the thing, all the stories were amazing and best and honest and beautiful. And this is why we invited 7 judges to cast their votes for us. We will be asking them one by one to tell us which is the story that they connected with the most and why. Each of the judges will be casing one vote! We will also be asking all of you to cast one vote! So at the end of this process we should have eight votes and hopefully a winner of this stunning 70s smoky quartz necklace. So let’s get to it!Here is the first vote from our lovely Gosia Gorna, the first judge, who also talks a bit more about her favourite jewellery, the story she told at our Birthday Party and about what she does in life. She is quite incredible. The way she talks about her favourite story it’s so compelling and eye opening that probably even it’s author will be surprised! Well she is a life coach after all. So strap on and enjoy. And at the end of the video you will see who gets the first vote.

To read all the stories visit our website…/necklace%20for%20a%20story

To see full video from our Birthday Party go here

More about the Etruscan jewellery set from Mary McFadden

Some more vintage jewellery by Napier

To find out more about Gosia go here

And if you want to join Toastmasters visit their website

To see more vintage jewellery visit our Etsy shop

Music by Sebastian Dirycz

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