Necklace for a story!
In the past weeks we have been celebrating our 4th birthday. We had sales, we had giveaways and we had a party! And now it’s time to come back to what is really important! To YOU! Our lovely lovey clients! Because without you we wouldn’t even be here in a first place! 😍🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
🎉So we want to make this celebrations all about you. Please tell us how jewellery pieces you purchased from us impacted your life. Open your jewellery box and tell us a story embodied in that special piece.💍
🎊In the forthcoming weeks we would like to share your stories with the world. Tell us what did that particular piece of jewellery ment to you and how did it make you feel. 💗
⭐️How did you find this perfect engagement ring? How long were you looking for it and how did she react when she saw it?
⭐️Or perhaps you had a piece of jewellery that went missing, you lost it on the hiking trip or perhaps it was stolen (how horrible!) and perhaps you found very similar piece, almost a twin in our shop?
⭐️Or maybe that particular ring was bought as a well deserved reward to yourself! For all the hard work you do or just because you are worth it!
🎁We want to know all the details! And to make it more exciting we will reward the most emotional, heartwarming & unique story with this beautiful 1973 smoky quartz necklace in the shape of gold sun. We promise you that we will be very very grateful for all stories and we will cherish them and share them with the world.🎁
We want to know your stories, please share piece of your life with us.🎈
👉🏻Please send your story by the end of 30.09.19 👉🏻Requirements: story must not exceed 500 words and should include at least one picture connected with the story. 👉🏻 send us a direct message or email your story to
An independent jury will choose the winning story after 30th September.
Good luck!🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 ❤️
#jewellerygiveaway #abigthankyou #weloveourcustomers#shareyourstory #getreward #helpuscelebrate