Story of Nefertiti
Hi Guys! 👀❤️👂🏻
I have a gorgeous story for you today! It is a common knowledge that precious stones have special, almost magical properties and can change the energy for the people that wear or surround themselves with a particular stone. I think it's the same with precious metals and symbols! Do you know the story of a Egyptian queen Nefertiti? The name Nefertiti means “The beautiful one has arrived.” She is well know both for her beauty and as one of the most powerful women in the ancient times. As a queen, she showed herself in ways only Egyptian kings did. So here is a story from Arwa who bought the Nefertiti necklace.🙏🏻

'So the story behind me purchasing the Nefertiti necklace, a while ago i had lost the same kind of vintage Nefertiti necklace in gold with another necklace. It was of so much value to me it really made me feel powerful and confident and creative because she was such a powerful woman. It was one of my favourite jewelry pieces to wear so i was really sad to have lost it. So overtime i would always see some but i never had the urge to buy them until i came across your Etsy KKVintageCollection shop and saw a vintage one. I was so attracted to it as soon as i saw it i just had to get it. I have been wearing it ever since with a jade stone pendant and brings me so much joy. I feel good, happy and beautiful having it on and i always get compliments on my Nefertiti necklace.
Thank you again for having such beautiful pieces in your collection!
Arwa, Belgium'