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Mother & daughter

What a gorgeous story from Jacqueline! Thank you so much! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Vintage jewellery can often become a family heirloom as it is passed down from generation to generation. But how about 'passing the jewellery up'? Making new traditions? And supporting each other on new adventures? 🧐 We are all up for it!😻🙌🏻⭐️ Special congratulations to you Mum Jacqueline for completing her masters! Well done!🌸🎉

'The beginning of this story actually starts about 15 years ago. When I was 14, my mother gifted me a ring. It was something special that she was given at my age by her father and she wanted to pass it on to me. Somehow, on the way to get the ring sized, I LOST THE RING. To this day we can’t figure out what happened, but my mother was quite disappointed in losing such a precious item.

FAST FORWARD 15 years and my incredible mother is about to graduate with her MASTERS. Something she has worked so long and hard for. I wanted to get her something extra special to celebrate. I thought back on the ring I had lost her and thought that now would be a good chance to right that wrong. Although the original ring was not a Claddagh ring, I knew she had always wanted one so I thought I would start there. I went right to the Etsy search bar (because OF COURSE), and there, on the very first page, was a beautiful, gold Claddagh ring, and as if by magic, it even had her first name initial on it, a lovely cursive “L” on the heart. It could not have been more perfect-even the price! I am so grateful for finding it and for the help in sizing and shipping it.

My mother loved it, to say the least, and wore it proudly on the day of her graduation. My story has now come full circle and for that I am ever thankful 😊 '


Jacqueline, US

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